One day
Building on the skills and concepts taught in the Basic course, this Advanced ILT Series course presents techniques for creating more complex Flash
applications. Students will create and edit vector paths and mask layers. Students will also learn how to use advanced animation techniques, such as
inverse kinematics, shape and motion tweens, and animated masks and filters. Students will then work with movie clips, use ActionScript 3.0 code to better
control their Flash applications, and incorporate audio and video. Finally, students will learn some basic principles of project management, discuss issues
related to image use and copyrights, and learn how to plan a Flash application.
Table Of Contents:
Unit 1: Vector illustration
Topic A: Creating vector paths
Topic B: Editing vector paths
Topic C: Using mask layers
Topic D: Using the pattern tools
Unit 2: Advanced animation techniques
Topic A: Inverse kinematics
Topic B: Shape tweens and animated masks
Topic C: Filter animation
Topic D: The Motion Editor
Unit 3: ActionScript animation
Topic A: Programming principles
Topic B: Event listeners and event handlers
Topic C: Modular code
Topic D: Special classes
Topic E: The Debugger
Unit 4: Interactive techniques
Topic A: Adding audio
Topic B: Scripting a link to a Web page
Topic C: Loading dynamic content
Unit 5: Video
Topic A: Flash video basics
Topic B: Video in Flash files
Unit 6: Managing your Flash project
Topic C: Image copyrights
Topic A: Project management
Topic B: Application planning
Appendix A: ACA exam objectives map
Topic A: Comprehensive exam objectives